Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine Flu Fear is Useless: Use Precaution, Faith, Common Sense

Use common sense, do not give in to fear and this will be appropriately managed both in Mexico and across the World.

Be aware, but be at Peace. Remember, we have been given the treasure called Faith! To end with the words of the Lord: fear is useless: what is needed is trust.(Mark 5:36 New American Bible). Swine Flu Fear is Useless: Precaution, Faith and Common Sense are needed.
Be aware, but be at Peace. Remember, we have been given the treasure called Faith! To end with the words of the Lord: fear is useless: what is needed is trust.(Mark 5:36 New American Bible). Swine Flu Fear is Useless: Precaution, Faith and Common Sense are needed.
PORTSMOUTH, Va. – The rush is on to give us information… or, in some cases, is it really to sell fear? As I watched the National News Organizations give the moment by moment occurrences of the “upcoming Pandemic” throughout the day I felt moved to speak the truth about the current flu and present the facts for our readers. Swine flu is a viral infection that can kill but rarely does if simple precautions are taken and supportive care is provided. The highest risk patients are those who are compromised in some fashion. (i.e. a patient on chemotherapy, a patient who is nutritionally depleted, an individual who has liver or renal failure.) Flu patients who are extremely young or elderly may need IV fluids if severe diarrhea develops.

Patients with asthma or other pulmonary issues may need oxygen or short term bronchodilator medications for breathing difficulties. But, the majorities of patients, at least in this country, need to stay home, eat nutritional meals, drink water and electrolyte fluids such as Gatorade or Pediolyte, and not go out to the mall or to work while you have symptoms. Swine Flu can be spread via hand to hand contact, drinking out of an infected cup, or coughing in someone’s face. How do you prevent this? Simply wash your hands often. Don’t use a communal towel. If you have a high fever, body aches or flu symptoms don’t go to work or to class. The concepts are simple; we need to follow good hygiene.

may i add colloidal silver is a tremendous defense. God forbod i do get the swine flu i would invert the frequencies of the disease and apply it back to the body in numerous ways. the frequencies for the swine flu are already out as seen here: there is a cure for everything using this method. -st0ckman

article continues here:
Ask Dr. Denton: Swine Flu Fear is Useless: Use Precaution, Faith, Common Sense

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