Sunday, March 9, 2008

$ 1.8 million ransom demanded for release of Iraqi archbishop

$ 1.8 million ransom demanded for release of Iraqi archbishop

$ 1.8 million ransom demanded for release of Iraqi archbishop
Updated: This version corrects the ransom amount to 1.8 million dollars

.- The Mensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace) foundation is reporting that the captors of Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho of Mosul are demanding $1.8 million in ransom money to free the Iraqi prelate who was kidnapped last Friday.

In comments to Italian Bishops’ news service Servizio Informazione Religiosa (SIR), Bishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk said that, "The kidnappers have called more than once asking for ransom."

The president and founder of Mensajeros de la Paz, Father Angel Garcia, expressed his hope that the captors would relent and “for humanitarian reasons release the Archbishop of Mosul, who is man of faith and not politics and is also ill.”

He also said he called on the “governments, religious institutions and episcopal conferences of the world to follow the lead of Pope Benedict XVI and call for the immediate release of Archbishop Rahho.”

According to the foundation, Father Garcia is working to get the archbishop released, and in the coming days he will travel to Spain with five sick Iraqi children who need treatment.

Father Garcia has spent time as well with the families of the three young people killed during the kidnapping of Archbishop Rahho, who is also his personal friend. In March of 2005, the archbishop visited Spain at Father Garcia’s invitation to call for peace and reconciliation in Iraq. During his visit he was treated for heart difficulties he had been experiencing.


Excellent video detailing the end to American sovereignty

Terry Laundry's T Theory Observations

Terry Laundry's T Theory Observations

T Theory Observations Update for March 10 2008 As projected last week the S&P 500 has dropped to the lower green envelope.

Download SRT080307.pdf

Moving on, the updated PDF file above shows the S&P is also approaching the key “Last Low” noted in black on the chart. According to my 40 year cycle work the S&P will break below this potential support level as part of a very long term correction to the 1974 to 2007 bull market period.

During this 33 year up trend, many financial excesses have developed and this long cycle that I have tracked over the last 200 years will require an exceptionally steep correction over the next few years in order to round out the 5th 40 year cycle in the last 200 years of U.S. financial history.

This basically means there should be no trouble in making a 3rd sharp Down Wave that carries the S&P to lower lows. Once this occurs we can start looking to the center post low for the next Short Range T which will begin some sort of recovery, but only after the green Cash Build Up line has matured further.

$t0ckman's - stock market / economic crash analysis & videos

-we are looking at the first global(keynesian economic) transfer of wealth in history. we have so many economic time bombs waiting to explode; huge dual deficits, huge unregulated derivatives market, real estate mess, credit crunch, declining dollar, food/metals/energy/natural resources trading at all time highs, bank troubles/failures, borrowing over 3BILLION/day from foreign countries to operate, countries selling oil in euros etc, dollar loosing world reserve currency status, inflation turning to hyperinflation(federal reserve printing to much money), recession and the final nail in the deflationary crash coffin: Federal reserve cutting rates. Why would the world continue to lend us over 3 billion/day if they can get a higher rate of return in another country? when the plunge protection team stops stepping in to save the day the game is over. because of this i believe the stock market and dollar will crash simultaneously producing the largest transfer of wealth in human history. this is a global swindle with a technique used time and time again throughout history. the weak will be washed out and the elite will own everything at the bottom they produce. -st0ckman

YouTube - 3/1 CNN Your Money: Talks of Great Depression Coming
this is an excellent video on the TRUE economic condition of the USA. MUST WATCH:

more economic & stock market crash videos:

P.S. - The technicals look horrible as well.


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